We believe God has called us to 'Go' start new churches - the most strategic means by which our neighbors are led to Christ both across the street and around the world!
Church Planting - Marshfield
Faith Fellowship is excited to have helped launch Hub Life Church - a new church plant right here in Marshfield which began meeting for public worship fall 2019!! Check out Hub Life on Facebook @ facebook.com/HubLifeChurch or email @ hublifec@gmail.com.
Hub Life Baptisms
God happenings
the Schifelbine’s
church planting journey
January 2025
Jesus says, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29)
1. Kris Van Tiem
I want to introduce you to Kris Van Tiem (not pictured). Kris is being used mightily of God. Despite some of her own personal struggles she is doing what God has called her to do. She sat down with my wife and I at El Mezcal and talked about her call to women’s ministry. Now this day she leads a women’s bible study in our church. She also serves on our missions team. She came out of some tough things that Jesus is using and has used to bring her where she is today. Hub Life Church is grateful for Kris.
2. Mentoring – 5 guys
2 Timothy 2:2 says, "What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." I personally meet with 5 men every two weeks, and individually with each one on a consistent basis. My goal for mentoring is to make future leaders who will be able to lead the church of Jesus Christ into the future.
3. Kim Schmitt (pictured above in the baptism picture), in her own words I was looking for a fresh start. Well, she has found that fresh start through the love of Jesus. To show her new life in Jesus she committed herself to him by publicly showing this in baptism. She serves in our cafe on Sundays and is a great addition to the body of Christ!
4. Christmas Eve we had two services this year. And we had a total of 81 people at both of our services this year.
5. Concert February 21, 2025
We are continuing to attempt to build bridges between the unchurched and God. This concert with the band King's Conquest is an another opportunity to do just that.
6. Praise in the Park – one day event – Summer 2025
Last year, we had our first praise in the Park event and it went really well, except for a man in white van who was claiming that we were not speaking the truth about Jesus and that we were not right before Him. It was a hard day for me personally as they attacked me and my calling. The Lord sustained me throughout the day by the Holy Spirit speaking life into me and by my church gathering around me. Two verses that helped me were Romans 14:4 and Matthew 5. It was a good reminder to me that it takes courage to follow God and even when you believe you are doing what He wants you may be persecuted. Also, the enemy is the accuser of the brethren. May you find courage from Him as you follow Jesus.
One thing that was asked after all of this was if we would do this again. My heart on the matter is if we don’t do it, then we let him win. We must do this as many people commented how Marshfield needs more events that bring Glory to God like this one. I am thankful that we could be a part of putting God’s name out there for people to Glorify Him and receive new life from Him.
7. Hula Hula people an unreached people group. What does this mean, people who do not have a gospel centered church, who have their own culture and language, or who do not have a Christian in their people group. The hula hula people were found as Lifeway global was sharing about Jesus in Northern Kenya. We have been a part of building a ministry training center in this 10/40 window of the world to see people meet, know and follow Jesus.
8. On Thursday October 24th Hub Life Church became an official affiliated church with Converge Great Lakes. This means that we are no longer an official church plant. We, however will continue to run as a an official local church under the word of God and the Spirit of God and under our bylaws and constitution.
Kara, Teisen, Matai, Jen & Casey
1. For our future church Elders and Board.
2. Concert on Feb 21st to build a bridge with unbelievers3. For the 5 men that I am mentoring.
Teisen is 18 years old and is planning for his future. Pray for guidance on this as he navigates Colleges.
Kara is 16 and works at Hobby Lobby and loves it!
Matai is 12 and is playing a lot of Basketball.
Jen is still a full-time awesome 7-8th grade teacher.
And me, I keep busy.
Click HERE to read their latest newsletter!
Church Planting - Regional (Converge Great Lakes)
Dedicated to starting new churches through a dynamic movement of like-minded churches known as Converge Great Lakes. Over the past decade, Faith Fellowship has partnered with other missional churches to plant several new churches in Weston, Wausau, Merrill, and Stevens Point. In partnership with Converge, Faith Fellowship helped to launch Hub Life Church in Marshfield (see above)!
Church Planting - Global
For information about our global church planting partnerships, check out our global mission page HERE!