What to Expect
As our guest, you will experience contemporary worship and relevant Biblical messages while sitting in a relaxed environment. Here are some answers to common questions:
How should I dress for services?
We are a “come as you are” church. Everyone wears what they are comfortable in: for some people that’s shorts and a t-shirt, for others jeans and a polo, for others a shirt and tie or dress. More than what you wear, we encourage you to come with a heart open to meet with God.
What can I expect when I walk in the building?
Our greeters will meet you with a friendly smile and a warm welcome. If it’s near the first Sunday of the month, they will offer you the “homePAGE” handout that lists upcoming events at Faith Fellowship. Our greeters can also help direct you to the worship service or show you where to take your children. If you are new and looking for information about Faith Fellowship, stop by the Welcome Table in the lobby where our Welcome Team is waiting to meet you. We also have a gift for our first-time guests there at the Welcome Table as well. Meanwhile, you can grab a fresh brewed cup of coffee and a cookie in our cafe area before service begins.
Where do I take my kids?
The first place you want to go is the FF Kids Registration counter to your left as you enter the building. We will have staff available to walk you through the steps to register your children on our check-in system designed to keep your kids safe and secure. (Be sure to plan about 5 extra minutes for first-time registrations.) Infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers will be taken to their respective environments in our Early Childhood Wing behind the FF Kids Registration area, while kids from Kindergarten to 5th grade will be checked in on the opposite side of the lobby in our Elementary Room. Kids will experience a worship and learning environment that is designed for them, helping them learn to know, trust, follow, love and serve Jesus. Learn more about FF Kids HERE.
What does a worship service look like?
You are free to sit wherever you would like. If you need some assistance in finding a seat or have any special needs, please ask an usher and they would be happy to help you. A typical service consists of an opening worship time, followed by video announcements, a relevant and Bible-centric teaching, and then a time of response in worship. On the first Sunday each month, we partake in communion together. Other weeks we may have something special like baptism, child dedications or a special guest. A typical service lasts about 75 minutes. Just to put you at ease, you won’t be asked to do anything that identifies you as a guest so you can just relax, take in the worship service and get involved at your pace.