empowered: living life in the spirit

Join us for our first series of the new year as we kick off 2025 by digging deep into the scriptures to better know and understand the one who empowers the church and each of us as individuals. 2,000 years ago, Jesus promised us that a helper was coming for those who believed in Him, someone who would be with us always. It wasn’t long after this that this someone made an unforgettable entrance onto the scene… He has been with us ever since. This Sunday morning message series is designed to help us to better know this member of the Holy Trinity, and better understand the powerful implications of His presence in our lives.

  • January 12: The Promise of the Spirit - John 14:15-17; Acts 1:4-8

  • January 19th: Empowered for Holiness - Romans 8:1-11; Gal 5:16-25

  • January 26th: Empowered for Mission - Acts 2:1-4; Matt 28:18-20

  • February 2nd: Empowered for Everyday Life - John 16:5-15; 1 Cor 6:19-20

For message notes

that go live every Sunday morning, join us on the Youversion Bible App!

Faith Fellowship is a Bible-preaching family church that is all about growing deeper in our faith and wider into our community.