Memory Cafe is a monthly gathering for those living with memory loss and their care partners to learn, laugh and unwind over special activities and a complimentary lunch.
The next gathering is on Weds., Dec. 11th from 10:30am-12pm at Wesley United Methodist Church (211 S. Maple Ave., Marshfield) featuring the Heart O’ Wisconsin Sweet Adelines! Get in the holiday spirit with a live show by the women’s chorus group as they perform popular songs acapella in four-part barbershop harmony! The Sweet Adelines provides a platform for singers to showcase their talents and connect with like-minded individuals in the barbershop harmony community.
RSVP to Stoney River at 715.207.6423 or Marshfield Area Respite Care at 715.384.8478.
Memory Cafe is hosted by Stoney River Marshfield in partnership with Marshfield Area Respite Care Center and United Way.