Congregational Assessment Tool Survey
Sunday, March 20th through Sunday, April 3rd
As you may know, our church leaders are engaged in a season of discernment regarding future plans and initiatives for our congregation. We believe that your input is an important part of this process. We are asking for your help to better understand and describe the health, vitality and culture of Faith Fellowship.
We are inviting all our regular attenders to participate in an online congregational health assessment called the Congregational Assessment Tool. The results of this assessment will provide insight as we craft next steps for our future. We would like to gather input from everyone who considers Faith Fellowship his or her church home. Your response is very important to us.
On Sunday, March 20th, you will be receiving an email with a link to our Congregational Assessment. Each active attender of the church in your household, that is over the age of 16 and capable of responding to the questions, is welcome to take the assessment. Attenders from the same household are welcome to use a single electronic link to participate in the assessment, but each individual should take the assessment only once. Please do the assessment in one sitting (so as not to be kicked off by your browser) and it will take about 20-30 minutes to answer all 100 questions. Please watch for this important email and respond immediately. In the mean time, if you have questions, please contact the church office. Thanks so much!