Gather25 is 25 hours of the global Church gathered in 2025 through live-streaming technology from all 7 continents. This will be an opportunity for the 2.5 billion believers worldwide to gather in PRAYER, WORSHIP, and REPENTANCE so we can go out powerfully and collaboratively to REACH the world. (Men, women, and children welcome)
We are excited to be a host site for this event and we need YOUR help to do this well. Join us for a volunteer meeting on Sunday, Feb. 23rd at 12:30pm where you’ll get a better idea of how you can help and participate in this amazing event! A pizza lunch will be provided for those staying for the meeting.
Gather25: February 28th-March 1st (25 hours)
Opening rally: 7-9 pm (Friday, February 28th) (doors open at 6:30)
Closing rally: 6-8 pm (Saturday, March 1st)
To Volunteer for this event, click here.
To provide food donations for this event, click here.
If you have questions, email